Naftali Primor, Poetry

נפתלי פרימור, שירתי

משורר צעיר בליבו ששירתו התפתחה בגיל מאוחר. הרגישו מוזמנים להשתתף בחווית שירתי.

My Twin Soul Sister

I do have a twin sister whom I have never met.
She never stood next to me
On any of the old photos
My parents so frequently took.
But from my earliest childhood,
I sense her presence.
She grew along with me
We both entered the first grade class in school,
We graduated collage,
We both attended the wildest parties,
We dated boys together.
I always looked at the other half of the sofas,
Stretching my arms
To feel her.
She was there
Waiting for me already.

June 8, 2016